Thursday, October 31, 2019

Final plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final plan - Essay Example Thus the above condition does reflect that the product is quite new to the target population of around 690,850 people in Guatemala. This population is held to largely consist of the elite households in the region that lone account for around 50 percent of the total wealth. Thus from the above data it is quite evident that the target population which is comprised by around 10 percent of the total population of Guatemala has the potential to invest in large amounts for acquiring the product. This calls for rendering a large promotional and advertising campaign to help relate the product effectively with the people falling in the target population. The product being in the introductory stage calls for effective advertising and promotional activities. Advertising and promotional activities thereby are required to get large scale support of considerable investments and must endeavor to project the salient benefits attached to the product. In regards to choosing the media for advertising the product in the region it is understood that the media like radio and television would help support the largest part of the advertising activities (Bryson, 303). The majority of the population in Guatemala has access to radio and television for which such media can be effectively considered for advertising the product to the target market. Again the use of print media also constitutes an integral part for advertising the products for a study reflects that newspapers do contribute in a significant fashion in regards to advertising activities in the region (Fox, 52). The availability and thereby use of internet among the population in Guatemala is highly restricted with only 10.37 percent of the population having access to such. Thus the advertisements can be rendered through slots prepared in regards to radio and television as broadcasting media and full or half pager advertisements rendered in regards to print media

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gender Ideologies in Local Context Essay Example for Free

Gender Ideologies in Local Context Essay Present essay deals with analysis of gender ideologies’ functioning in certain local contexts. The latter is discussed through the prism of interactionist approach, which seems to be the most effective in terms of describing micro-level at which gender ideologies function. It provides with possibilities for studying how performative, discourse and social strategies of actors realized in local contexts are embedded in general gender ideology framework. For the present analysis a bar was chosen as the local context, where field study was conducted and gender ideologies’ reflection in interactions between men and women were analyzed. The central research question of this paper, hence, may be formulated as follows: how do gender ideologies shape interactions between men and women in bar or night club? Gender ideologies in local contexts: interactionist approach. Gender ideologies represent certain social and cultural constructs, which structure the perception of female and masculine identities, societal roles, family status and production relations etc (Philips, 2). Gender ideologies should be understood as a product of social structure, which fosters different roles of men and women in society. For instance, it may be said that currently dominant perception of women in society was formed within predominantly patriarchal discourse. Paradoxically, patriarchal perception of women affects their own gender ideology and identity, which often corresponds with socially constructed identity. Hence, women’s interactions with men are affected by the absence of their organic self-identity – they are forced to interact within the discourse created by men. However, the latter is realized through women’s own discursive system, which may be described as the micro-level of gender ideology. As Lakoff suggests, women and men learn their distinct languages from the childhood, which being the part of universal language, in fact reflect different identities in gender interactions (Lakoff, 222). Interactions, according to interactionist approach are based on endowing of certain subjective actions of the Other with meaning and symbols (Blumer, 45). In gender interactions, such meaning is ascribed to actions, based on gender ideologies. For instance, as Lakoff suggests of women’s discourse, ‘If she refuses to talk like a lady, she is ridiculed and subjected to criticism as unfeminine’ (Lakoff, 222). The latter example shows that gender ideologies are genuinely embedded in gender interactions, because they form the frame of understanding, actions’ meaning and behavior. Moreover, as Lakoff suggests, there exist considerable differences between women’s and men’s use of vocabulary, especially as far as the use of strong words, adjectives and particles are concerned (Lakoff, 223-224). The latter may be evident in any local context, including gender interactions in bar or nightclub, as it would be shown. Any local context activates specific aspects of gender ideology. According to Philips, notwithstanding culture, ‘There are at least four aspects of human experience that regularly enter into gender ideologies. These include work, appearance, sexuality and reproduction’ (Philips, 8). There is no denying the importance of the fact, that in the interactionist context, analyzed in this paper, such aspects as sexuality and appearance come into play in the first place. Based on these general theoretic considerations concerning gender ideologies let us analyze their reflection in concrete location’s context of bar, based on the empirical data collected in the field study. Gender Ideologies in gender interactions in bar Field research for this study was conducted in Dirtbags Bar and Grille in Tucson, AZ on June 1, 2009 during 10:30-Midnight. The data collection orientation focused on observing how gender ideologies affect gender interactions in this situational context. The first observation includes objective behavioral patterns of men and women during their visit to bar. It was established as a fact, that men may arrive to bar both in 3-4 individuals groups and alone. Women, as the field study found never arrive alone, but only with their boyfriend of female friend. The latter situation may be interpreted through the prism of Butler’s approach to gender identity construction. According to Buttler, identity is constructed based on repetition of certain behavioral patterns, gestures, discourses etc (Butler, 519). The latter implies that social structures, existing in society already provide women with stable behavioral orientations, taught to them by their families, older friends. One of such behavioral codes, which are immediately linked to gender ideology may be described as the cultural taboo for visiting entertainment public places alone. Such taboo is connected first of all with institutionalized male perception of women, being alone in the bar or night club, as the invitation for sexual relations. Based on this perception, visiting bar alone for women automatically means moral fault, since she is immediately associated with prostitute etc. Unlike women’s case, in men’s gender ideology the problem of man’s visiting bar alone does not exist, since it is not problematized as gender issue at all. Therefore, it is evident that men have more behavioral options and may choose between them to one’s own like. Buttler suggests that gender identities and ideologies are constructed through theatrical and performative interactions (Buttler, 520). The latter is particular evident in women’s focus on their dress, while visiting the bar. Women are more prone to put the emphasis on their own clothes and comment on the apparels of their female friends. They often made complements concerning good dress of each other. As the same time, men regularly have no tendency to comment on the clothes of their male friends. Instead, they often make complements to women concerning their dress. The latter observations show that gender ideology functions through performative and theatrical behavior reflected in the culture of dressing. Men are relatively indifferent to what their friends wear, however, pay much attention to what women wear. The performative and theatrical role of gender ideologies is also evident in women and men behavior, when they enter the bar. Women express much more willingness to be noticed by public, including both men and women, as they immediately look for people they know. Unlike, women, men seem to be less tied by any social obligations as they often go straight to the bar and order drinks and only after this greet people they know. Moreover, a bar serves for men a spot to sit down, while women prefer staying near the bar and being attentive to what is going on around them. Gender ideological conventions concerning sexuality are also evident in the types of drinks ordered by men and women. First of all, male gender ideology is obvious in the wide-spread practice of ordering drinks by men for women, especially as the part of acquaintance or showing sexual interest. Such behavior is often welcomed by women, who are embedded in gender ideologies of men, because women are prone to interpret such attention as the marker of sympathy and often use it in their own interest. As far as the type of beverages, drunk by men and women are concerned, men usually do not differentiate between different drinks, while women often order low calorie beverages such as ‘diet coke and Bacardi’ or sugar free redbull. The latter shows that the majority of women are embedded in the discourse relating to their appearance and sexuality, which is according to Philips is one of the central aspects of gender ideology (Philips, 9). Women, embedded in gender ideology, try to follow its main conventions in any local context, including bar. Gender interactions in bar are also characterized by both and men and women behavior directed at emphasizing correspondingly their femininity and masculinity. Men in the conversation with women always try to lower the pitch of their voices, while women often raise it. As Tannen suggests, such strategies are inherently gender, because they are affected by existing ideological representations of femininity and masculinity (Tannen, 169). In these ideological representations masculinity is characterized by the low pitch of voice, which is associated with men authority and women’s high pitch, associated with her secondary role in society. Gender socialization patterns in bar are also very informative, as far as the reflection of gender ideologies is concerned. Women feel more comfortable always being in company either of their female or male friends. In contrast, men may be either alone or in company without any differentiation. For women being in company guarantees the stability of her identity, because she may fully realize her performative and theatrical patterns of behavior. In contrast, being alone often causes negative gender connotations. Gender interactions in a bar are predominantly initiated by men, when a member of a male group offers a drink to a woman or a group of women. Often women refuse such invitations, however, in a majority of cases they agree even if they feel compelled and uncomfortable in communicating with the large group of men. A man being alone, however, is less prone to initiate conversations with women, than if he finds himself in company. There is no denying the importance of the fact, that the discussed pattern of gender interactions in bar reflects certain features of dominant gender ideologies. As Butler suggests, gender interactions are regulated by social sanctions and taboos (Butler, 520). One of such taboos may be formulated as follows: women are generally not eligible to initiate gender interactions with men; such priority solely belongs to the latter due to their primary role in gender relations. The realization of this taboo is particularly evident in bar context, where women generally behave in such a manner in order to stimulate men’s interest, however, their own interests is hidden from public. A woman may be interested in communicating with a given man, however, due to certain gender limitations she is more likely to refuse from her ambitions. Moreover, men usually feel uncomfortable when gender interactions are initiated by women, because it is usually mocked up in his male company. Hence, it may be postulated that taboos and limitations relating to gender interactions exist both in male and female gender ideologies. If a woman and a man know each other they usually greet by hugs, kisses and even if they are not engaged in romantic relations, they often show some kind of flirting. In personal interactions between men and women gender ideologies are also evident in men’s primary role in initiating tactile closeness with women, especially after alcohol drinks, including closeness, flirt, kisses, hugs, joking etc. Women, interested in such gender interactions, would not hesitate to communicate and flirt. However, a woman, who feels uncomfortable in this situation, according to the field study conducted, tries to use any possibility to escape from such kind of interactions. Gender ideologies are also embedded in the purpose of men and women’ visiting bars. Men usually visit bars to chase after women and find the object of their sexual desires etc. Women may also visit bars in this purpose, however, their clear intentions are not seen so obviously as that of men, hence, we may speak of dubious nature of their purpose. Such distribution of gender roles clearly resonates with dominant gender ideology, according to which men have the priority in initiating close gender relations. As far as dancing practices in bars are concerned, men are less prone to dance alone; however, women have no qualms about it. Men prefer dancing if they want to initiate interactions with women – in such a case they dance close to her. Apart from this, gender interactions in bar are often characterized by age limitations. Older women rarely visit such kind of places; however, older men may be seen there more frequently. Conclusion Gender ideologies represent language reflection of certain social and behavioral patterns of men and women and society. They usually refer to different social roles, types of discourse, sanctions and taboos and behavior of men and women. The analysis of gender ideologies in local context of bar showed that they are reflected in concrete interactions. Men and women usually act according to well-established gender conventions of behavior, which are reflected in initiating interactions, purpose of bar visit, behavior in groups, intersexual behavior etc. Women seem to be considerably affected by their representation in men gender ideologies, which means that they have no behavioral choices. In contrast, men’s behavior is characterized by the possibility of choice between a wide range of options. Men may be either alone or with friends, initiate gender interactions or not etc. Women have virtually no choices: they have refuse from initiating interactions, positively respond to any men’s attempt to initiate communication, always be in a company etc. Moreover, gender interactions in bar reflect crucial social perceptions of women sexuality and appearance, which are the first aspect of gender coming into play in bar context. Women put emphasis on their appearance and clothes and often try to present their identity in performative and theatrical way, which according to Buttler, immediately links such kind of behavior to gender strategies. In contrast men, pay less attention to such things and behave in a more casual and free way. Finally, men’s behavior in a bar is regulated by the lesser number of social sanctions and taboos. References Blumer, Herbert (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Berkeley: University of California Press. Butler, Judith. (1988). ‘Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory’. Theatre Journal. Vol. 40 # 4, (519-531). Lakoff, Robin. Extract from Language and Woman’s Place. Philips, Susan U. (1999). Gender Ideology, Cross Cultural Aspects. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. Tannen, Deborah. â€Å"She is the Boss†: Women and Authority.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pathophysiology Of Multiple Sclerosis Health And Social Care Essay

Pathophysiology Of Multiple Sclerosis Health And Social Care Essay Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and its characterized mainly by demylination of the myelin sheath (CALABRESI, 2004). There are specific types of MS which are; relapsing-remitting type of MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), in addition to other types of MS but they are very rare such as progressive-relapsing MS (Norris, wells, 2007). There are many symptoms that specify MS. these symptoms can be categorized into the initial symptoms, the prodromal symptoms, and the symptoms that come along the course of MS (W.B Matthews, 1992). The recent methods of treatment for MS are mainly focusing at slowing the progression of the disease and keeping the symptoms under control, this can be achieved by using combinations of different medications (MCW Health link, 2007). Patients with MS usually have compromised balance (Fjeldstad, 2009). This can be caused by lesions located in the cerebellum that may lead to ataxia, or it could be as a secondary problem to diplopia, muscular weakness of the trunk or the limbs, vestibular problems, decreased sensory feedback and lower limbs spasticity (Fjeldstad, 2009). One of the new methods discovered to treat and help people with balance problems is the Wii-Fit. Many studies proved that the use of the Wii-Fit improves balance problems and helps people with diseases that may influence balance. Thus the research question of this paper is; is the Wii-Fit helpful in patients with MS who suffer from balance disorders. Incident MS was first discovered in 1849, although the first known description of a person with MS was from the fourteenth century in Holland (NINDS, 2007). MS is three times more common in women compared to men (NCEZID, DHQP, 2010). However, in patients who develop the MS symptoms later in life, the gender ratio is more equalized (NINDS, 2007). MS is not known as a childhood disorder because the statistics show that only 2 to 5% of the cases start before the age of 16. In addition, many of the MS symptoms are parallel to those of pediatric neurological disorders like metabolic disorders and leukodystrophies (NCEZID, DHQP, 2010). Finally, there is no universally acknowledged diagnostic criterion to diagnose MS in childhood (NCEZID, DHQP, 2010). There are no recent statistics that show specifically how many people have MS in the world, but there are 250,000 to 350,000 patients with MS in the United States diagnosed directly by the physician (NINDS, 2007). This single statistic estimates that 200 new cases are diagnosed each week. The majority of patients with MS experience their initial symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. Symptoms are rarely seen before the age of 15 or after the age of 60 (NINDS, 2007). Caucasians are two times more susceptible to the disease than any other race (NINDS, 2007). Furthermore, MS is five times more common in temperate climates such as Canada, northern United States, and Europe than in hot and humid region (NINDS, 2007). Scientists have periodically received reports of MS epidemics, and the result was that the Faeroe Islands north of Scotland during World War II had the highest clusters of patients with MS ever. Yet there is no sufficient evidence that there is a direct relationship between the environmental factor and the increasing risk of MS. On the other hand, there is definitive evidence that the risk of developing or even worsening the condition of the disease is greater after acute viral infection (NINDS, 2007). Pathophysiology of MS MS is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) (CALABRESI, 2004). It has no underlying cause and its characterized by axonal demyelination followed by degeneration (CALABRESI, 2004). The demylination specifically affects the myelin sheath, which is a shielding fatty rich protein insulator that covers the axons (Norris, wells, 2007). The myelin sheath aids in the rhythmic flow of the nerve impulses and the transmission of action potentials, which allows the communication between the brain and the different parts of the body (Norris, wells, 2007). However, in patients with MS the myelin sheath is destroyed by the bodys immune system. The immune system, which is the bodys defense system is malfunctioned in patients with MS, it fails to differentiate between the bodys own tissues and the foreign bodies, and starts to send diseased fighting cells to the CNS tissues to begin the destruction of the bodys own myelin sheath. When the bodys immune system starts to attack the bodys tissues this is called an autoimmune disease (Norris, wells, 2007). Patients with MS usually experience their first symptoms as young adults (Norris, wells, 2007). Most of the patients are diagnosed with this condition at a young age, because very often at this age patients are going to school, driving a car, or starting a family. While performing the different activities of their life; patients eventually realize that they are not functioning well and there is something they need to be concerned about. Approximately 80 percent of patients with MS have their symptoms in a relapse and remit state; meaning that the symptoms come and go, making both the diagnosis and prognosis difficult (Norris, wells, 2007). MS is considered a non contagious disease and in most cases it does not shorten the patients life span (Norris, wells, 2007). There are specific types of MS; 80 percent of patients begin with the relapsing-remitting type of MS (RRMS), which is characterized by the short-term flare ups or what is commonly called exacerbations or relapses, and it can last up to three months (Norris, wells, 2007). These relapses are followed by a partial or complete recovery or what is called remission. Women are diagnosed with RRMS more than men (Norris, wells, 2007). A significant number of patients go into a period of remission that lasts up to one year or even more, during this period of remission patients might experience mild symptoms that did not fully recover following the exacerbation or they may be symptoms free. However, even if patients do not get worse between the relapses or even if they dont show any symptoms, there will be continuous changes in the CNS (Norris, wells, 2007). More than 90 percent of patients with RRMS will eventually enter a second phase of RRMS if they were not treated suitably. This is called secondary progressive MS (SPMS) (Norris, wells, 2007). SPMS, occurs when the patient is experiencing worsening of the symptoms progressively. Nearly 80 percent of patients with MS are diagnosed with SPMS (Norris, wells, 2007). Most of the other 20 percent are diagnosed with primary progressive MS (PPMS). This type of MS doesnt show a relapsing and remitting state, instead it is characterized by a progressive and steady worsening of the neurological status of the patient (Norris, wells, 2007). PPMS is fairly divided between the genders unlike the RRMS. Additionally, there are other types of MS but they are very rare such as; malignant or fulminant MS, benign MS, and progressive-relapsing MS (Appendix A) (Norris, wells, 2007). There are many diagnostic tools used to evaluate the status of patients with MS. The most common diagnostic tool is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and lumbar puncture (Norris, wells, 2007). MRI, which views the lesions of the brain and spine, uses radiofrequency, computer stimulator, and a big electromagnet to contribute in providing a high quality picture of the brain (Norris, wells, 2007). MRI is used with patients with MS to assess the location and size of the lesions (Norris, wells, 2007). However, inflammation can be better assessed with the use of gadolinium-enhancement, which is a type of dye that is injected in the patient before doing the actual MRI (Norris, wells, 2007). Moreover, the other tool that is commonly used with MS is lumbar puncture or spinal tap; where a thin needle is entered at the base of the spinal cord and a small sample of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is collected (Norris, wells, 2007). CSF is the liquid that surrounds both the spinal cord and the brain (Norris, wells, 2007). After taking a small sample of the CSF, laboratory tests are initiated to evaluate the chemical and cellular abnormalities of the sample. The physicians mainly look for oligoclonal bands, which are atypical immune proteins called immunoglobulins. These proteins present in the CSF of nearly 90 percent of patients with MS, but these proteins can also occur with other neurological conditions other than MS (Norris, wells, 2007). When comparing the MRI and lumbar puncture, the MRI is more useful and conclusive tool for diagnosing MS. On the other hand, lumbar puncture can be useful in case the MRI results are normal or indecisive therefore its used less often. Othe r less common diagnostic tools for MS are; magnetic resonance spectroscopy and evoked potential tests (Norris, wells, 2007). Symptoms of MS Symptoms of MS can be divided into three categories, the initial symptoms, the prodromal symptoms, and the symptoms that come along the course of MS (W.B Matthews, 1992). The initial symptoms, which appear in the first episode of MS are often taken by the patient from the history. However, the longer the time between the relapse and the questioning, the more inaccurate the information taken from the patient. Recent review of published reports revealed the incidence of the initial symptoms as follows, weakness in one or more limbs 40%, optic neuritis 22%, paraesthesiae 21%, diplopia 12%, vertigo 5%, and disturbance of micturition 5% (W.B Matthews, 1992). The prodromal symptoms are non specific symptoms that involve fatigue, irritability, limb pains, poor memory, and weight loss. These symptoms may be considered insignificant, because at this stage the abnormalities will not be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid (W.B Matthews, 1992). Furthermore, there are signs and symptoms that appear along the course of MS and in every advanced case of MS such as: weakness, spasticity, ataxia, tremors, sensory loss, visual disturbances and loss of bladder control (W.B Matthews, 1992; MCW health link, 2007). Then again, there are symptoms that are unusually seen with MS patients and it not proven to be associated with MS or any other medical condition that the patient suffers from such as: narcolepsy, spasmodic torticollis, and the restless legs syndrome (W.B Matthews, 1992). One of the constant features of advanced MS is weakness of the limbs; the most common form of distribution is asymmetrical weakness of both lower limbs. The least common forms of distributions are weakness of one lower limb, one lower limb and one upper limb always on the same side, or weakness of one upper limb (W.B Matthews, 1992). Weakness may be attributed to a slowly progressive case of hemi paresis, which begins with one lower limb, and then progressively more to the upper limb of the ipsilateral side. In the cases of hemiplegia in MS; the face is spared and not influenced by the weakness. However, the weakness can reach the respiratory muscles, which may lead to serious complications and even death (W.B Matthews, 1992). Signs of sudden deterioration include restriction of respiratory movement and rapid shallow breathing; these signs are not to be taken for granted especially if the patient is having weakness in both upper limbs. Weakness in the respiratory muscles may lead to an increase in energy consumption during walking and during performing other types of activities; that is called chronic respiratory weakness (W.B Matthews, 1992). Another feature of advanced MS is spasticity (W.B Matthews, 1992; MCW health link, 2007). Spasticity is a disorder of voluntary movement and increased resistance to passive movement (W.B Matthews, 1992). It usually affects the lower limbs more than the upper limbs. Nevertheless, this increase in tone is beneficial for some patients, because the increase in extensor tone can hold the weak knee extended during walking. However, if the tone increases beyond the reasonable limit, the patient will maintain the foot in planter flexion and that will make ambulation even harder and more difficult to the patient (W.B Matthews, 1992). Obtaining the desired tone to facilitate walking was proved impossible to attain. At the progressive stage of the disease there is an increase in the extensor tone, which is also called extensor spasm. This extensor spasm is considered inconvenient more than disabling e.g., it is extremely painful and occurs at night or when the patient gets out of bed in the mor ning. The patient needs several minutes for the spasm to subside (W.B Matthews, 1992). In advanced cases, flexor tone may take over and that will affect patients ability to walk (W.B Matthews, 1992). Patients may experience frequent falling, and it may be impossible to use a wheelchair. Eventually, patients may develop contractures mainly in the hamstrings and iliopsoas muscles (W.B Matthews, 1992). One of the major symptoms that patients with MS complain of is fatigue (W.B Matthews, 1992; MCW health link, 2007). There are two main types of fatigue in patients with MS; the first type is physical fatigue and the other type is psychological fatigue (MCW Health link, 2007). However, in patients with MS its very difficult to distinguish the cause of the complain, is it from fatigue or weakness (W.B Matthews, 1992). The only factor that distinguishes the pathological fatigue of a patient with MS from an ordinary fatigue of a healthy person is the adverse effect of heat, thus it means when the patient gets lethargic and tired when facing the hot and humid weather (W.B Matthews, 1992). Sensory symptoms are also common to occur with this type of patients especially at the onset of the relapse (W.B Matthews, 1992). Usually the abnormal sensation begins in a single foot, then after few days it spread up to involve the whole bilateral lower limbs, perineum, buttock, and different levels of the trunk that vary with each patient. Patients usually describe the feeling as tingling sensation (W.B Matthews, 1992). There are many other signs and symptoms that may affect the MS patients such as urinary frequency, urgency, and incontinence (MCW Health link, 2007). In addition, some patients with MS may complain of pain, restless legs, lhermittes sign, and even mental changes such as dementia, affective disorder, and schizophrenia (W.B Matthews, 1992). Finally, cerebellar dysfunction is a very common feature of advanced MS (W.B Matthews, 1992). This includes nystagmus, cerebellar ataxia, and dysarthria. Cerebellar ataxia can affect the gait. Truncal ataxia, the most common form of cerebellar dysfunction, is observed when the patient is sitting and it contribute to the increasing complaint of poor balance (W.B Matthews, 1992). Conventional treatment The current methods of treatment and medications aim at controlling the symptoms of MS, slowing the progression of the disease itself, and preventing undesirable side effects (MCW Health link, 2007). Significant numbers of people with MS suffer from spasticity (W.B Matthews, 1992; MCW Health link, 2007). Spasticity is often treated with tranquilizers and muscle relaxants such as Baclofen or lioresal, which can be taken orally and in serious cases they are injected into the spinal cord. They are considered the most commonly prescribed medication for spasticity. Other medications that are less commonly used for the treatment of spasticity are Tizanidine or zanaflex, Diazepam or Valium, and clonazepam or Klonopin (MCW Health link, 2007). One of the common problems that patients with MS deal with is visual disturbances (MCW Health link, 2007). Which can recover with time even without any kind of medical intervention, the physician may prescribe a short course of therapy with methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) that may be introduced intravenously. In addition, oral steroids are occasionally used (MCW Health link, 2007). Fatigue, which is the most common symptom of MS can be treated according to its type (MCW Health link, 2007). The physical fatigue can be avoided simply by instructing the patient to avoid heat and excessive physical activity. For psychological fatigue, the physician can prescribe anti-depressant medications for the patient. Other medications that can decrease fatigue are pemoline (Cylert), and amantadine (Symmetrel) (MCW Health link, 2007). Many patients with MS may suffer from different kinds of pain (MCW Health link, 2007). Aspirin or acetaminophen can be very helpful in controlling back pain and muscle pain. Additionally, physical therapy is also advantageous in controlling the pain by correcting the improper posture, and strengthening and stretching the muscles (MCW Health link, 2007). Some patients may develop bladder dysfunction and that can lead to urinary infection as the disease progresses (MCW Health link, 2007). Antibiotics are often used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. In addition, the patient may take vitamin C supplements or drink cranberry juice to acidify the urine and thus to decrease the chance of further infections (MCW Health link, 2007). In patients with urinary incontinence bladder pace-maker can be implanted through surgery. It is controlled by a hand-held device that is carried by the patient, allowing the patient to control the muscles that surrounds the bladder, by contracting the m when emptying the bladder and relaxing them in case of urine retention (MCW Health link, 2007). Patients with MS may develop tremors, which can be often challenging during the therapy course because it often makes the therapy difficult and takes a long time. Tremors can be minimally controlled with drugs, or in severe cases it can be treated with surgical intervention, but the best treatment for the tremors associated with MS is by taking physical therapy (MCW Health link, 2007). Finally, physical therapy rehabilitation is an integral part in the treatment of patients with MS (Patricia G, 2007). Its very necessary that the physical therapy team posses the important knowledge, sensitivity, and experience when dealing with these kinds of patients. In addition, they have to appreciate the variety of symptoms that the patient may suffer from, and know how to deal with every emotional, social, vocational, and financial issues that their patients complain of. The physical therapist goals should be focused on the following: educating the patient about the disease and how to deal with it, providing home programs for dealing with symptoms, making the patient independent as much as possible, offering resources for community programs, providing equipments for the patients and their caregivers (Patricia G, 2007). Wii-Fit Treatment The Wii is a software and a hardware game package that belongs to the Nintendo wii, which is designed mainly to improve fitness and balance while in the same time providing entertainment for the users (Williams et al., 2010). Its a video game that basically detects movement that is taking place on a balance board to allow the individual to play a variety of interactive games (Appendix B). The balance board is a flat board that the individual stands on, and it includes pressure sensors to detect any changes in weight shifting and the center of balance (Williams et al., 2010). Recent studies have shown that the Wii-Fit can be used to treat or improve balance in a number of disorders that affect the balance. In 2010, Williams et al., conducted a study to determine if the Nintendo Wii-Fit is a reliable and useful intervention in community dwelling older adults. Older adults over the age of 70 and have high risk of falling were recruited for the study. They participated in computer-based exercises, and during their participation, fear of falling and balance were evaluated at weeks 0, 4, and 12. After the completion of the program, the participants were interviewed to know if the intervention was beneficial for them or not. Nearly 80% of the participants attended 75% or more of the training sessions, after week 12, the Berg Balance scores were obtained from all the participants and it was found that theres a significant decrease in the risk of falling for the participants. The authors concluded that the Wii-Fit exercise program is beneficial and suitable for p eople with high risk of falling and thus, the Wii-Fit has the ability to improve balance (Williams et al., 2010). Another study was conducted on children with Down syndrome (Abdel Rahman, 2010). Its widely known that children with Down syndrome have lower scores on agility and balance tests compared to other children with other mental impairments. The main idea of this study was to examine if the Wii-Fit is helpful in improving balance in children with Down syndrome. Before starting the trial, balance was tested by using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency for thirty children aged 10 to 13 years with Down syndrome. The children were then equally and randomly divided into two groups; the study group received 6 weeks of Wii-Fit training and the control group received an ordinary physical therapy program. At the end of the program, the study group showed significant improvement in agility and balance compared to the control group. The author recommends that the Wii-Fit games can help in disorders that cause balance problems (Abdel Rahman, 2010). Rationale Based on the literature review of this paper, the use of the Wii-Fit was proven beneficial for patients that have balance problems such as children with Down syndrome and community dwelling older adults that have high risk of falling. In addition, the presented information proved that MS can affect balance significantly. Thus since the Wii-Fit was useful in the cases of Down syndrome and community dwelling older adults, then it is possible that it would be useful in patients with MS that have balance problems. Appendix A Types of MS Appendix B The Wii-Fit package The Balance Board

Friday, October 25, 2019

Death In Toms River :: essays research papers

When I first saw Linda Gilik and I was told that I had to listen to her presentation I didn’t fully realize how much it was going to move me. She is a woman who had a healthy baby boy, and then after loving this â€Å"normal† child for three months was told that he was diagnosed with cancer of the nervous system. She was very taken back by what she was told and knew that there was something wrong because it came out of no where. It is very rare for a baby to get cancer, this type of cancer occurs in one in a million babies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She went to Sloan Keteran a world famous cancer hospital in New York City. She was sitting on her sons floor which had 40 beds filled with children patients, and saw that 7 or 8 of tough’s beds were children from Toms River New Jersey. She started talking to some of the parents of the children from Tom’s River and they decided to investigate and maybe find out the reason this was happening to their children. Her son Michael was diagnosed with this cancer in 1979. He is now 25 years old and lives at home. He is a 25 year old in a 7 year olds body because of the cancer and the procedures he has to go through.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After a couple of years of investigations and several years later, a nurse at a hospital in Philadelphia in the cancer ward saw that again a lot of the children that were there were from the same place, Toms River. She called EPA 3 to report what she was seeing; they called EPA 2 who called the New Jersey department of health. Then a man named Michael Berry made a report of what was going on called the Berry report in 1995. This was going on 16 years after Linda’s son Michael was diagnosed, they still didn’t have a clue and the cancer rates of children in Toms River were getting bigger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, they decided to start testing the water in Toms River to have some kind of clue as to what is happening. When they tested the water from the schools, they found many cancer causing chemicals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What happened was a man named Mr. Fernicola was supposed to destroy drums full of chemicals. Instead, he was lazy and paid the sanitation workers off so that he can just take them and dump them in the landfill.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Police Misconduct Response Essay

I would define police brutality as something that occurs when a police officer acts with excessive force by using the amount of force with regards to a subject that is more than necessary. By excessive force, I mean that the officer use more than the amount of force to get the subject under control. I feel that police brutality happens when an officer has the subject under control and then might hit the subject with a black stick, or use the taser gun on the subject. When trying to get a suspect to comply with orders given by an officer, the amount of force should be used in only the minimum amount needed to gain control of a situation. Police brutality is a direct violation of the laws within the police force. This is a form of police misconduct. The relationship between police brutality, police corruption, and other police misconduct falls all together. By this, I mean that they are all in direct violation of the laws. The relationship between the three is that they are abuses of police authority. Police corruption is the abuse of police authority for personal gain. Corruption might involve any type of material benefit gained illegally by an officer because of his authority. Forms of corruption could include anything form bribery, extortion, selling drugs and many other things. This is also considered a form of misconduct. I would recommend that the police officers who are found guilty or involved in any of these type of actions be handled with the highest actions necessary to assure that it does not continue to happen. By this I mean, strengthening police leadership, develop clear written debt policies and procedures so that it is known by all officers that this type of behavior are not acceptable.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


THE BEGINNING essays Prenatal development is the period in development from conception to the onset of labor. Perinatal period is the period beginning about the seventh month of pregnancy and continuing until about four weeks after birth. Postnatal development is the period in development the follows directly after birth. The germinal stage is the stage lasting about ten -fourteen days following conception before the fertilized egg becomes implanted in the uterine wall. The embryonic stage is the stage in which major biological organs and systems form. The fetal stage is the stage in which is marked by rapid growth and preparation of body systems for functioning in the postnatal environment. Viability is the ability of the baby to survive outside the mothers womb. The gestational age is the age of the fetus derived from onset of mothers last menstrual period. The number of older mothers is on the rise in the U.S. as women postpone pregnancy to establish careers or for other reasons. Healthy women older than thirty-five routinely deliver healthy infants just as other between the ages of twenty and thirty-five do. Teenagers, however, may be at a greater risk for delivering less healthy babies. Lack of prenatal care is a big reason. Diets, while pregnant, must be sufficient not only in number of calories but also with respect to the right amount of proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients. Stress also plays a big role in delivering a Cultural beliefs about potentially harmful consequences of frightening or stressful events on fetal development are pervasive, and many societies encourage a calm atmosphere for pregnant women. The social support a pregnant woman receives from family and friends is an important factor that can lessen the consequences of stress Another reason is the complicated nutritional needs of teenagers. Teenage mothers give birth to as many as 500,000 babies in ...